Organization and Project Management

UPDATE 2/15/2022:

Official Statement: Announcing The Restructured LIMS DEI Committee

Allegria!  We’re Moving!

Again, DEI work is hard and changes must be made as problems present themselves.

In this New Year of Intention for Progress and Excellence, LIMS DEI Committee (“DEIC”) membership is changing.  Now, I am applying what I know works for DEI (and project-oriented committees, in general) so that the overwhelm that creates stagnation-frustration-limitation problems are alleviated and success is achieved.

We are expanding the DEIC 2022 to include mini-sectors of brilliant minds to:

(1) be able to focus on what interests them about Diversity, Equity & Inclusivity in the LBMA Work (the “Work”);

(2) operate individually and in teams on small parts of larger projects; and

(3) support each other with tasks as well as with emotional support.  

This way, no one has to be drained and assistance is available from a variety of like-minded sources with resources.
DEIC 2021 members who choose to remain on the DEIC 2022 will have “Consulting Member” status and contribute to already established projects as they develop and according to a timeline as 2022 DEIC Members/Associates ensure that progress occurs.  DEIC 2021 members will contact me by email by February 15, 2022 with their intentions.

The GOAL is to expand opportunities for access to the Work for its continued success and ours.  With a “YES, And” approach and a commitment to not playing the “make-wrong” game, a tremendous amount of agreeable progress will be made.

TRUTH: If you’re not a part of the solution, you are a part of the problem.

TRUTH: If you don’t contribute to the evolution of the Work, decisions are made for you and no one wants to hear complaints after diligent efforts have been made and goals have been achieved.

~ As one of my favorite mentors says, “Less whining, more shining!”

Next Steps

I will extend a formal invitation for participation in the DEIC 2022 with a questionnaire to help both you and the DEIC determine what, how, and where your heart and talents align with our missions.

I will also provide guidelines to help you prepare your awareness and deal with the emotional difficulties that not only affect us in changing how we view what we believe we know but which will provide opportunities for greater Self-Love and Acceptance.  The choice is yours to explore them.

Bliss & Blessings,


LIMS DEI Committee Coordinator